Large Screen at the Bagno degli Americani

As every year, on Monday, July 15th, returns the long-awaited festival "Cinema on the sea" at the Bagno degli Americani inTirrenia in collaboration with Cinema Arsenale.
CineJazz a cena

Thursday, June 20th at 8:30pm we are waiting for you all in the beautiful setting of Villa Poschi, for the evening event "CineJazz a Cena"!
The event "Anatomy of a Short Film" on YouTube

Saturday, May 11th, in collaboration with the Cineclub Arsenale and the Department of Civilization and Forms of Knowledge of the University of Pisa, Alfea Cinematografica organized the day-event "Anatomy of a Short Film".
Anatomy of a Short Film

Saturday, May 11th from 1:00 pm, the Cinema Arsenale of Pisa hosts the day-event "Anatomy of a Short Film", in which the linguistic, technical, productive and distributive aspects related to the universe of the short film will be explored.
Contest: Your Short Film on the Big Screen

Have you always dreamed of seeing your short film on the big screen? Participate now to have the chance to see it projected in the charming historic hall of the Cineclub Arsenale in Pisa!

Cinema airscreens are great for any type of event because you can adapt them very well to every type of place.

Ledwalls are led screens that can be used in various contexts and environments to show images, videos and/or text.
Cinema in Piazza dei Cavalieri

From September 16th until the 20th, come to enjoy five films on the theme “Fantastici punti di vista. La meraviglia nel cinema” on our 16 meters inflatable screen.
An event in Piazza dei Cavalieri

On september 23rd we celebrated the centennial of nosferatu, one of the greatest horror film in the history of cinema, in a restored version and live sound
Opera at the lake with the Morricone Film History

In the beautiful setting of Lake Alberto inside the Tenuta Bellavista Insuese (Guasticce), the appointment with "Opera at the Lake" was staged for the seventh consecutive year.